Published On : August 30, 2021  |  Author : Astrologer Umesh
Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis

Rahul Dravid: Former Indian Cricketer And Skipper Of Indian International Team

Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis: “The Wall” of Indian Cricket Team Rahul Dravid was born on January 11, 1973, at 10:58 AM in Indore, he no longer needs much introduction due to his fame in the sports world. Presently, he is working as a Director of Cricket Operations at NCA, Benguluru. In view of Rahul Dravid Astrological Analysis, Under his guidance, Under 19 and Team A performed really well in matches, thus he recently got promoted as NCA head in 2019.

What Astrology Says About Rahul Dravid?

Know more and explore the various aspects of life for Rahul Dravid astrologically. A chart has been prepared according to his birth details for your thorough understanding. Please find below the analysis:

Birth Chart
Date Of Birth: 11 January 1973
Time Of Birth: 10:58 HRS
Place Of Birth: Indore

What Rahu Dravid’s Horoscope Says About Him?

Rahul Dravid Horoscope

Taking into consideration Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, Pisces ascendant is rising in his horoscope ruled by the planet Jupiter positioned in his 10th house of career & profession. In Compliance with Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, This placement of Jupiter indicates that he is kind of career-oriented individual. It also makes him incline more towards the actions, and drawn efforts. As Believed by Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, Being ruled by the soft planet Jupiter, he is very kind, humanitarian and a social worker. As Stated by Rahul Dravid Astrological Analysis, Jupiter is getting conjunct with Sun, which inhibits the leadership and administrative traits too within him. Jupiter makes him a good teacher, consultant and motivator too. Further, it is getting conjunct with the Mercury, which makes him a good analyzer, observer and intellectual person. He has the strong sense of observing things to watch the end results and its procedure. In the manner of Rahul Dravid Astrological Analysis, It helps him to understand his opponent team’s strategy. An influence of Venus & Rahu on his 10th house as well on his ascendant lord provides him world fame and name. In Alignment with Rahul Dravid Astrological Analysis, He has good sense of fashion and wants to be updated with the trend. Further, he has Pisces Moon sign, which gives him good intuitions and charming face. He is kind of responsible, caring and like things to get organized perfectly. Get in touch with our Love Problem Solution Astrologer In Delhi to get solution for your troubled relationship.

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How Rahul Dravid Became The Face Of Cricket World?

According to Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, he was born under his Saturn Mahadasha got ended soon after 2 years of his birth in November 1975. He got entered into the Mahadasha of Mercury. Dravid did his schooling from St. Joseph Boys High School, Bangalore and later also had taken the MBA degree from St. Joseph College of Business Administration. On the basis of Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, Rahu is influencing to his 2nd house of dialect, so he knows multiple languages as Rahu also shows the different culture and to know more about different things and do things form streak of line. Dravid was 12 years old in the year 1985, when he was undergoing with the Mahadasha of Mercury and Antardahsa of Mars, as Mars is a martial planet, which gives enthusiasm, interest in sports activities, and aspects his 3rd house, so he has chosen the famous sports at that moment due to Rahu’s influence on Mercury.

As specified by Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, he played at all the levels such as Under-15, Under-17 and Under-19. However, when he was undergoing with the Mahadasha of Mercury and Antardahsa of Saturn in 1991, he got the chance to play in Ranji Trophy. Since Saturn is a slow moving planet and made him learn things very slowly, but consistently. With the help of Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, It is also placed in his 3rd house, which makes him initially slow and once he finds the stability then it makes him fast player. During 1991 to 1992 in the same period, he performed well and got selected for Duleep Trophy, and from there in 1994-1995, he got noticed by the selectors due to his great performances in domestic crickets, thus during his Ketu Mahadasha and various favourable Antardashas under Ketu Mahadasha such as Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars etc, he got the chance to play for India A against England. However, as Ketu is placed in Mercury’s sign, so it though supported but due to malefic nature of Ketu, he also sees disappointments and dissatisfaction too by multiple hiccups in his career. However, after November 1999, he got the stability and rise in his fame along with his career, since then he performed well and created his own place by leading team under his Vice captaincy and Captaincy for the team. Taking into consideration Rahul Dravid Astrological Analysis, During his Sun, Moon, Mars Antardasha under Venus Mahadasha in 2002 to 2006, he was at his peak and performed really well and gained followers. However, during Rahu antardasha, he was dropped in 2009, but as soon as he entered in his Jupiter Antardasha in Venus Mahadasha, he recalled again in 2011 and he announced for the retirement. Have you lost your goal due to problems the fate has thrown at you? Best astrologer in Delhi can turn your misery to success.

Dravid’s Honours And Awards Explained Astrologically

In Compliance with Rahul Dravid Astrological Analysis, With his great contribution to Indian Cricket sports, he received multiple national as well as international awards & honours, let’s know the reason astrologically which period supported these honours for him:

Depending on Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, While undergoing with the Mahadasha of Ketu and Antardasha of Saturn, he received the Arjuna Award in 1998, Saturn remained a good planet and maintained the stability too in his life due to the lord of 11th house of income & gains.

Let’s Discuss about Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, As he entered his Venus Mahadasha, he was honoured as “Wisden Cricketer of the Year”. Venus is good period, governs 3rd house of efforts & communication, and placed in 10th house, helped him to get this award in his hobbies and increases his fame.

When he was undergoing with his Moon Antardasha under Venus, he received the ICC player of the year. Moon is his 5th house lord and placed in 1st house, indicates the good gains and name.

During his Mars Antardasha, he was honoured with the Captain for ICC test team in 2006. Mars is trikone lord and placed well, it helped him to earn this honour.

As Stated by Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, During his Antardasha of Mercury under Venus, he received “ICC Hall Of Fame” in 2008. Mercury is lord of his Kendra houses and placed well in 10th house, which is good for him.

Dravid’s Personal Life & Marital Life: An Astrological Interpretation

In Consonance with Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, his 7th house of marriage & partnership is ruled by the planet Mercury positioned in the 10th house of career & profession. It indicates that he meets his life partner via work sources or promotional activities. As Venus represents the wife in male’s chart, so it indicates that she is working lady and being the 8th house ruler Venus shows that she can be into the field of medical/research. Conforming to Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, As per the sources, he also married to Doctor Vijeta in May 2003 during his Venus Mahadasha and Sun Antardasha. He has beautiful wife with good intelligence and analyzing ability.

What Dravid’s Natal Chart Has To Reveal About His Future Endeavours And Success?

In keeping with Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, he has very strong birth chart as multiple planets are occupied within the Kendra itself and in the 10th house of career & profession, which shows that he will have on going fame in his life with his either great performance or his humanitarian works or his teachings. As Per Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, At present, he is undergoing with the Mahadasha of Sun lasting till November 13, 2025. Since Sun is the lord of 6th house (Dusthana House), so it may provide him some challenges, but as he is involved in Sports, so this period of Sun will support him; as 6th house also signifies the success in competition or sports activity, so he can do well as a Director of NAC, Bengaluru. On the strength of Rahul Dravid Horoscope Analysis, After this period, he will enter the period of Moon for the next 10 years, which will be very good for him and will provide him good success in his endeavours and increase his fame day by day. However, if he controls his indecisiveness and duality of thoughts, he can be more focused towards one area and hence it will lead to the great success in future for him. Do you find your growth in stalemate? Book best Vedic Astrology Services in Delhi for prompt and quality solutions.

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We wish him a good luck for his future endeavours and keep on inspiring others!

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