Published On : March 25, 2024  |  Author : Astrologer Umesh
Mauni Amavasya

What Is Mauni Amavasya?

An Amavasya that falls on Magha month is religiously addressed as Mauni Amavasya, one of the most sacred days in the Hindu religion in which Lord Vishnu is worshipped for peace, happiness, good health, good fortunes, and salvation. Since the festival is connected to the divine lord Vishnu, it, therefore, affords great religious significance for the devotees, considering Vishnu blesses endless prosperity and fortunes in a devotee’s life.

What Is The Significance Of Mauni Amavasya?

Well, the religious significance of Mauni Amavasya is that taking a holy bath in holy rivers, like the Ganges is believed to be extremely auspicious for the devotees, considering divinities reside in the holy confluence. Moreover, since the festival has its association with the divine lord Vishnu, its significance of it increases manifold, given lord Vishnu is one of the most powerful and kind-hearted divinities in Trinity Lords. Hence, worshipping lord Vishnu on Mauni Amavasya will surely give a devotee many great results in life, including peaceful living experience and attainment of divine salvation after demise.

Another significance associated with Mauni Amavasya is that worshipping on this day can help you attain a remedial solution to anything problematic, thereby leading to positive headways in your career or business or anything you may have chosen for your life’s success. An objective in any field comes to its fruition when a devotee observes Mauni Amavasya vrat with unflinching devotions shown to lord Vishnu.

Experience divine blessings: Book Vishnu Puja Today! Invoke spiritual harmony.

Why Is It Called Mauni Amavasya?

The name Mauni Amavasya is in reference to the religious beliefs, saying when someone observes fast on this festival, the devotee is supposed to utter any word. Here, ‘Mauni’ means ‘Speechless’ or ‘silence’ thereby accentuating the relevance of the festival as Mauni Amavasya, as devotees observe fast by maintaining silence.

Benefits Of Observing Mauni Amavasya Vrat –

  • Devotees attain peace and happiness in life.
  • Worshipping lord Vishnu and undertaking activities like donations to the poor are considered auspicious deeds that earn a devotee favours like removal of miseries and sorrows in life.
  • A peaceful living experience becomes one of the outcomes due to observing Mauni Amavasya vrat.
  • One attains positive headways in one’s career or business.
  • Obstacles creating a hindrance to your success get removed.
  • One becomes spiritually refined by the grace of lord Vishnu.

Story Of Mauni Amavasya

According to an ancient tale, there lived a Brahman by the name of Devswami. He had a wife, Dhanwati. The couple had seven sons and one daughter named Gunwati. When all his sons got married, the Brahman sent his eldest son in search of a suitable bride for his daughter. Meanwhile, a Vedic priest predicted an omen about his daughter, saying she would be a widow by the time of Saptapadi. On being asked for the cure against the omen, the priest advised performing Soma Pujan. Soma was a washerwoman who lived on Sinhala island. Therefore, the youngest son of Brahman took his sister with him to Sinhala island. The day-long journey made them tired. Therefore, they sat beneath a tree to take a rest in its comforting shadow. A family of vultures nested their abode on that tree. At that time, there were just children of the mother vulture in the nest. The vulture’s kids were watching the siblings from their nest. In the evening, the mother vulture returned home from her hunt. Her children refused to eat the foods their mother brought for them, saying they won’t eat anything until the siblings down the tree have had their food. Driven by the kindness, the mother vulture collected some fruits and offered them to the siblings to eat. She also promised to help them cross over the river to reach Sinhala island to meet Soma. Thus, the siblings reached Soma’s residence at Sinhala island with the help of the mother vulture. Here, they stealthily cleaned the house of Soma. A day later, Soma asked her daughters-in-law who kept their house neat and clean. They said they didn’t have any idea. Doubtful, Soma decided to unearth the mystery by herself, and so she kept watch at night. Finally, she came to know about the siblings who were cleaning her house. Pleased with their service, and when the siblings narrated their tale, Soma assured them to cure the omen. However, the brother insisted that Soma should accompany them to their home. Granting their request, Soma, before leaving, told her daughters-in-law not to cremate any deceased until she comes back. At Kanchipuri, Gunwati, was married. As predicted, she became a widow exactly on Saptapadi. However, Soma brought her dead husband back to life by using her Punya she collected so far. Soma blessed the couple and returned to her residence at Sinhala island. Sadly, Soma’s own family members passed away as she exhausted all her Punyas to resurrect Gunwati’s husband. To gather Punya again, she observed Shri Hari Vishnu Pujan under a Peepal tree and made a round of it by 108 times. Due to the effects of the ritual, her family members were resurrected.

Book Surya Puja Today for blessings and radiant energy!

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