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Taurus Woman

Taurus Woman

Be A Woman Of Substance And Glory With Our Accurate Astrology

By means of Astrology, you can easily pick up the points or understand the behavioural pattern of an individual. Likewise, focusing on Taurus Woman, she is a kind of ambitious, passionate and calm person. Well, before moving ahead towards our topic, let me introduce about some facts related to Taurus sign, it is 2nd zodiac sign in Astrology and ruled by the natural lord of love, beauty & finances Venus. It is symbolized by the “Bull”, which means she will not react adversely until and unless she will not be provoked. So now let’s find below the traits of Taurus Woman and how she behaves in different unwanted or uneven situation:

Taurus woman is incredibly stubborn within herself, as Bull is symbol, which makes her to react like it. Taurus Woman want to stick on her beliefs and won’t think twice about their convictions. They will argue definitely with the person who will try to make them right. Taurus woman doesn’t get along well with authority since they hate accepting being ruled by others. This zodiac sign needs to go with their own choices. It doesn’t really matter to them what others expect from them.

Taurus Woman like to spend time in home. They prefer to read books or quietly work rather getting socialize others. Taurus won’t party consistently as they feel uncomfortable in the crowds. They would prefer to experience harmony and peace. Generally, they take enough time to open up to new individual or strangers. Indeed, even once they make companions, they need to hang out in their own homes, not in packed cafes or bars.

Taurus Woman aren’t bold, unconstrained, or versatile. They can’t handle change. Entering new, obscure circumstances fears them. They wish to know what they get into beyond time. Taurus Woman is organizers. They will be panicked, assuming plans are changed without a moment to spare. This sign requires most of the information before committing for outing. If so many queries would be there, they would ultimately prefer to remain at home.

Let’s know so quickly about the Taurus Woman with her birthday, tricks to find her inner traits easily.

Birthday: April 19 – May 20
Ruling Planet: Venus, the lord of love, beauty & wealth
Represented by: The Bull
Nature: Fixed
Element: Earth
Good Characteristics of Taurus Woman: Dependable, Composed, Gracious, Faithful, Mature, Enduring, Positive, Sensible, Friendly, Loving, Kind, Secure, Strong-minded, Independent, Creative.
Bad Characteristics of Taurus Woman: Hostile, Indulgent, Gluttonous, Lazy, Jealous, Money-oriented, Domineering, Stubborn.
Compatibility with the signs: Pisces, Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn.

Must Read:
Gemini Woman and Cancer Woman and Leo Woman

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Astrologer Umesh is like a family now to me. i have consulted them often, and the results have been very good and their analysis straightforward. When I confused about my career and it turning into a boring story, I consult Astrologer Pant and now very happy. I will advise them in each new work. thanks to Astrologer Umesh.

- Malti Mehra, Gurgaon NCR
For Taurus Woman To Understand Her Astrological World As Described
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