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Cancer Woman

Cancer Woman

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Astrology can reveal many hidden traits of an individual, for an example, Cancer Woman is very devoted, caring and emotional individual. They have immense hearts and will help anybody during his bad. Here you can find everything valuable for you in order to reveal the personality of Cancer Woman.

Well, Cancer woman are brought into the world between June 21 and July 22. They care about their family & friends more than themselves. Cancer woman

will make a special effort to offer courtesies to any individual who needs their assistance. They sacrifice their happiness for another person in order to make them happy and cheerful in the world. However, they end up unsatisfied at timesbecause they set their own priorities or themselves last. They never imagined themselves as taking self-care first in the family.

Cancer Woman is very deeply connected to the emotions and heart. This way they are very sensitive and insecure about their feelings. They will misinterpret praises and expect the world is trying to hurt them. Cancer woman has low confidence, so they anticipate that others should pass judgment on them. They don’t understand how lovely and beneficial they are, so in many cases, they settle for less what they actually deserve. Rather than paying special attention to themselves, they’re caught up with paying special attention to every other person.

As Moon has its phases lie waxing and waning, likewise, Cancer woman also faces such scenario with their mood in day to day operations or activities. Despite the fact that they believe that everybody around, then they should be feeling great, their state of mind can change in a moment. At the point when things don’t turn out well for them, they fall into pieces. They can’t deal with unforeseen changes or hindrances without stressing. They don’t genuinely believe in themselves, so they accept the issue somewhere in the world. Cancer woman is very manipulative. Cancer ladies will cry tears and lie to get what they need. They utilize their feelings for their benefits.

Let’s know in brief about the cancer woman to understand her in first glimpse and about her personality:

Birthday: June 21 to July 22
Ruling Planet: Moon, the lord of emotions and mind
Represented by: The Crab
Nature: Movable, Cardinal
Element: Water
Good Characteristics of Cancer Woman: Protective, Intuitive, Imaginative, Tenacious, Dependable, Compassionate, Home-Living, Nurturing, warm, careful, joyful, kind.
Bad Characteristics of Cancer Woman: Cautious, Tough, Highly sensitive, Emotional insecurity, Moody, Possessive.
Compatibility with the signs: Scorpio and Pisces

Must Read:
Leo Woman and Virgo Woman and Libra Woman

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I visited Panditji regarding job and seeking advice for future. I must say that he was very patient in listening and understanding my queries and have provided me with great advice along with some simple remedies. I got great results. One of the best things with Panditji is that he gives ample of time until one is satisfied.

- Prashant Khandelwal, Bangalore, Karnataka
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