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Leo Overview

Leo Overview

Get The Glimpse Of What Your Life Stands For You Astrologically

Leos are intense, warm, and adoring. They are likewise ultimate entertainers. They can stun with the dramatic energy of a Broadway star and the magnetism of a legislator. They are dazzling characters. They have special insight with words, and can talk smoothly on pretty much any theme or topic, regardless of how rapidly they’ve quite recently been introduced with it.

Leos infuse desire into all that they do. They are governed by the heart. They are reckless and sure and pay attention to their gut feelings. Their activities are very natural and easy.

Leos have a tenacious hunger for growth & success that is effectively satisfied by the recognition of others. At the point when they are hurting, it sets forth. They will involve their outrage as a defensive wall to protect their weaknesses. They need to be seen as solid since they are frightened of conceding weakness, needing things from others, being fragmented.

Weaknesses Of Leo

The terrible sides of a Leo seem when their positive and excellent character qualities get over into excess. They can be seen as domineering, however this is because of their hyper-presence and warmth.

Leos like to feel significant. They would fundamentally prefer not to be loved, or be treated with adoration. They simply need to be perceived for their credible selves.

Leos have gained notoriety for being boaster. For them this isn’t boasting, it’s sharing. By sharing their achievements to others causes them to feel associated, and they anticipate similar consequently from their friends. They wish to be celebrated, however they are similarly glad to celebrate you.

They need to be the focal point of the universe. They need to be compensated for being awesome and the most brilliant. They need to be given extraordinary treatment, yet additionally feel meriting it.

What Makes Leos Attracted To?

Leos are normally fiery and energetic and frequently fall for their partner that are similarly excited. They are drawn to the very characteristics in others that they find in themselves. They like partner that are very confident and proactive. Who will pursue what they need without expression of remorse.

How Leo Acts As Friends?

Being friend or in friendship, Leos are very faithful, attentive and liberal. They generally want to give more than they get. As one of the most perky and comforts & luxury loving sign, they treat you the manner in which they treat themselves, and will precipitously do pleasant things for you since they feel like it. They’re not actually into keeping tracks of different turns or splits.

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